Sunday, October 30, 2011

Open Letter to the author of Dinosauria We.

Dear Mr. Bukowski:

I must say that this poem is part of that type of literature that irks me. To me, it is several things. It is fear of progress, which ultimately runs contrary to human nature. It is hypocrisy; the poem speaks of the excess of the Cold War, but forgets how excessive the generation before yours perceived yours. Finally, you select the bad part of out society and plays them out to be more influential than they are. The poem makes the bold statement “As the supermarket bagboy holds a college degree.” What kind of Marxism is that! Inasmuch as you, Mr. Bukowski, are denouncing such a phenomenon, if you had your way, the standards for vocation would never rise. And it is that fear of progress that annoys me so. Also, you speaks of the dangers of nuclear war. I must say that nuclear war is indeed very dangerous, but is the fact that it is so dangerous that will likely never occur. No human being would start a war that would surely kill him. Also, your generation saw the Second World War, perhaps the First. Finally, you fail to mention entities such as Elvis Presley and all those people that made American society full of entertainment. You fail to mention Ronald Reagan, and the space race and so and so forth. You simply focuses on the bad parts of American society. And for those three reasons, your poem irks me.

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